Thursday, February 9, 2012


Do what you love to do even if it isn't presently making you any money. You have to actively be a participant in your desires so you can keep attracting that positive feeling you get when you're in that zone. Today I was listening to Kevin Trudeau's audio program called "Your Wish is Your Command," and it really stood out to me when he said something to effect of, if ever you stop enjoying what you're doing - then u know that is time to move on. Often times we have been doing something for so long that we don't even realize it no longer elicits a positive feeling because the new person we've evolved into is ready to dive off the cliff into an ocean of new adventures.

You must go within and discover what will truly make you happy. Going within yourself will take some soul searching but don't be afraid of that journey because that's where your divine purpose is waiting to be identified.

So the first thing we need to do is look at what we do on a day-to-day basis and actually write out the experiences we love and look to change the day-to-day experiences that we do not love. I think what many people are missing in their lives is the active pursuit of happiness. Don't wake up one day and say "I wish I had of..." when you have the opportunity now to stand in front of your fears - which is the only thing hindering your growth and preventing you from making those wishes part of your memoirs.

Your legacy can not be about the paper chase! Let's not teach our children to chase paper - but instead we should teach them to creatively pursue their heart felt aspirations. My challenge for you: do at least one thing every day that you absolutely love. When you find time to do what you love - the universe will respond to you by giving you even more of that which you desire. Eventually, you entire day will be filled with activities you love!

Love what you do - or the things that you could do without...will be all that you do.
