Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Baby, take off your cool
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Baby, don't be so cool
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Baby, take off your cool
I want to get to know you
Take off your cool

“Take off your cool” is a short song but it’s one of my favorites on the Love Below album. The message is short and precise: just be yourself.

Take off the uncertainty of your perfection…take off the fear of rejection…take off that fake smile if what he/she said really wasn’t that funny…take off the expectations to be more or less then who you are…We tend to fear how people will judge or view us but they are going to have an opinion regardless so you may as well be observed in your authenticity. Lauryn Hill summed up my sentiments on interlude # 5 (part 2) of her MTV Unplugged album:

“…It's like, we date people, like let's say, you know, we're interested in somebody and we put on the perfume and dress up and then we do things that we will never ever ever do again! You understand what I'm sayin?...And that's why so many marriages end up in divorce. It's because people wake up next to a stranger. They say, Who the hell are you? What are you doing in this bed?...And I'm sayin let's give them reality from the door because you're going to attract love, and the one that really loves you. And then you don't have to pretend and falsify, and you know, keep that posture..."

(sound bite on the video starts at 3:18)
I wrote this poem today. It’s short but sums up how I feel about being so cool your feelings just FLOW so LIFE, LOVE AND GOD move easily through every moment:

My cool is off and on the floor.
Don’t pick it up I want it to stay there
so you can see me bare.
See through me, past the cool on the floor,
to the fiery pulse that floods the blood.
That’s not me and it kept me from you.
Can you see me now?
No matter the miles, you should be able to see me now
My cool is off and on the floor.
It melted as I walked through Love’s door
and surrendered to what God has in store
-Shelli Tinae Price


SahshaJay said...

I believe people will take off their cool once they realize that they are wearing one. Some many of us believe that the person the see in the mirror, in the flesh, and all its like and dislikes, is the depth of who they really are. Look into the mirror, past the brown skin, buff chest, lovely smile and the such and look into your eyes, deep. there you'll find you. Then you can take off your cool. Once we acheive that, we can past all the pretentiousness and get to the heart of the matter. Lata Gatas!

Shelli Tinae said...

I love when Lauryn Hill says on the interlude, "...let's give them reality from the door because you're going to attract love, and the one that really love you".
Let's get free so we can give love an outlet to flow.

Kiana said...

I really love your blog Shelli. It was very touching. I've definitely been guilty of being too cool. Your blog was a much needed reality check. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Ah yes after reading this last night i did it!!! I took of my cool..this gentleman I am dating....well at first I guess I wanted him to see me as perfect....the fine ass artist that I lil line with men is this.."I want you to know me for me!" But if I keep playing artist then how is he to know me for me I thought. Being cutesy we girls can't be all the time. He had a bad day...something told me to call and i just listened and told him as he started to stop telling me how he really felt about this women at work "go on I said" and I listened I saw that I gave him permission to "let go of his cool" so then why couldn't I. He asked about my work a subject very personal to me and I let go and got very passionate and thought "uh oh was I doing too much" and I realized I am what I am ....sometimes I am too I replied "whew I got carried away there for a second ..his reply "Wow, I didn't realize you knew so much, I have this new found respect for you and really feel like I am getting to know you and this feels good" a lil smile came to me and he touched upon my views on God and we got deeper and deeper and realized that because we had let go of our cool...we actually grew closer...and he replied I want to get to know you for you when the day is at its end and there are no more masks!! and well I let him!

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia's top level definition of cool: Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance, style and Zeitgeist. Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning. It has associations of composure and self-control and often is used as an expression of admiration or approval.

Marlo - I feel that we have to somehow break the chains, and get away from the false representative that we show people in the beginning of fostering relationships with them. This will in turn have a trickle down effect into our daily lives and reveal itself as truth and love throughout our entire lives. It most certainly will have a positive effect on our overall happiness and quality of life. Even though we all desperately seeking approval from those we care about..... it's a weird balance, or lack of balance.

Unknown said...

Your cool is your personal marketing tool to attract what you think about unconsciously. If you embrace your cool and actually believe in the shit your selling then you'll never have take on or off your "COOL."