I wasn’t going to vote…
…and God, divine Creator, please forgive me for feeling hopeless when the reality is, thought consciousness can change millions of people in the twinkle of an eye and uplift our souls everlasting. You know what? I’m going to eliminate the word hope from my vocabulary because to feel hope is to have expectations and expectations are rooted from your past on the way you think things should turn not and not necessarily how they should turn out. Now, let’s examine the feeling of being hopeless. You can only feel hopeless when the things you hoped for – which are rooted in your past expectations – fail. Expectations lead to hoping and hoping can lead to despair. Let’s BE faith! We don’t need hopeful expectations; we get confirmations from God to show our faith has a foundation of LOVE and PEACE. Love on you ideas and aspirations, don’t hope for them because that implies there is a sense of doubt. Send them love and God will manifest your dreams right before your very eyes.
I had given up on our government and as I mentioned earlier, really had no solid plans to vote. It was a fleeting thought that would reappear occasionally. Actually, I only voted because my mother was really adamant about it and I didn’t want to disappoint her. I still think our government is corrupt and in the interest of big corporations and millionaire bureaucrats but a historic event was in order to change us ALL individually so that we can change the world collectively – and that event was the elect of Senator Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America. The world watched, the world rejoiced, the world gained faith.
I am transformed from a conspiracy theorist to an energy theorist.
And it’s not because Obama won; he has been predicted to win for quite some time, but it was the shift in energy consciousness around the world that I felt, saw and heard. People, there was a shift in energy consciousness last night. I had to repeat it because the depths of that needs to be relished in the hearts of everyone. We may not get a new government system but if we become new in our own right – we affect those around us and that in turn will redirect ideas and actions. You may have noticed that the top of my blog page says, “Thought travels faster then light. We are all one on different missions, nonetheless, but reaching for the same star in the sky that connects us to the Source.”
Now I want to share with you some pictures from our grand celebration last night. You had to be there to understand the full experience but I have faith you’ll feel the energy just from the pictures alone. People where celebrating on the streets onf downtown Atlanta til the wee hours of the morning.
I'm so glad you voted too!! Eventhough Barack didn't carry Georgia. Last night was a joyous occassion. I woke up this morning smiling ear to ear with tears in my eyes. All I can say is Thank God he made it through!!!
(From my mommy)
Hey Babe,
You have a gift for writing and should expand on it. I am so glad you voted--even if it was for me. I wanted you to experience history and the whole world has experienced something that has never happened before. Thank you so much for listening to me. The world is going to be a better place because of President Elect Obama. I am overwhelmed!!! I LOVE YOU.
This is the 1st time that I've ever felt compelled to express my voice in an election. The sheer dynamics of this win for the world has simply got me breathless, moved beyond passion.... and I'm not coming back! I was also at an Obama party last night and it was just 'Off The Chain' with emotion. I almost ran down the street butt naked screaming at the top of my lungs, LOL. It's also why I'm drinking a brewski right now at 1:56am still on a high, having fun with blogs! Glad you voted too Shell.... Peace.
"hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12.
Often times we desire a thing, but are not sure how to go about it. When you have an unction to do something, its your duty to answer that call. I'm glad that your desire to bring change weighted more than your disbelief of the government. Now look what we have to witness: A true manifestation of Change for our nation and unity for the world. And ultimely expansion of your mental vision.
What we are feeling is more than what we can see right now. Once the feeling catches up with the vision, there will be no memories of yesterday. I was brought to tears yesterday and today, as i'm forever grateful for the opportunity to be part of these times and to pave a smoother road for the generations ahead.
I'm thankful to all my ancestors who followed their unction, who did not defer their hope, so that we can be a people that we were intended to be. Its not a Black thing, Its not a White thing, Its a LOVE thing. Those who arent ready to be consumed by love will not make it far in the days ahead. Old ways are out the door. Old mindsets have expired. The only road to prosperity(and I'm not talking monetarily) is love. The love train is here, yall. Hop on board.
The South is still pretty ass backwards...People gonna always have to find me above the Mason-Dixon line....LOL
For most of the day leading up to the formal election I was pretty nervous. Other people had cried driving into work...driving to vote..I was just nervous not knowing if it really would happen and there would be no Bradley effect in the USA. As I voted, which I always do (local, state, national) I felt that this specific vote was the single most important action that I have EVER taken in my life. It actually felt like I had a chance to change the world and not the TV channel. As the election played out..I became speechless. I never thought this would happen in my lifetime and actually thought a person of Spanish descent would be the first non-caucasian President. RayTheGoon was overcome with emotion that I can truly tell my kids that they can achieve anything with core principles of hard work, dedication, focus, and not trickin off..HAAHA.
I feel like I can do anything as well. I'm actually planning on robbing a bank now!!!
Shel - I'm glad you voted, as I am glad that MANY people who had never voted before this year did. Throughout the day, as well as while watching the election results at a party I hosted, there was such a nervous energy. I admit, I was really afraid there would be people who either figured he was ahead, so why bother voting or said they were for change and were going to vote for Obama and in the end, when it was just them alone with their ballots, didnt. But in the end, enough of the people who want change and who demand their needs be heard spoke an WERE heard.
To watch people celebrating all over the country and the world, was profound. And this should NOT be the last time we celebrate in the streets (shoot we do it at the end of every sports season).
I will always be able to say where i was - with very good freinds - when history was made. And I am proud and awed.
Marlo, while you joke about running down the street Butt naked, Shelli & I saw a man on 7th & Juniper butt naked in just a hat & jacket literally showing his ass on election night! All we could do was laugh as it was pure comedy!!
Anyway.. Just wanted to share with you all the blog I posted on my myspace page regarding Barack obama & Fam.:
It's a new day in America with new feelings of inspiration, hope and excitement. It's not so much that we have our first African American President in US history, It's that we have the first US President in US history that has United a world past racial barriers, past age barriers, past background and class discrimination that happens to be African American. Yes I'm proud to be able to relate to a president that looks like me that understands my struggle, who did not come from a life of privilege, who worked his way up to the top, who showed us that it is all possible, & that we should not use what holds us down as an excuse to keep us down. It's a great day in America because as both an African American woman, And as a woman of white/hispanic descent it proves that we can all come together to better ourselves. As an educated woman with dual degrees, who was fortunate to have the guidance of both parents that are still together to this day it is exciting to celebrate this historic day with them & realize that there is nothing & no one that will keep me from accomplishing my goals, loving and living life. To see Jesse Jackson crying, Oprah Winfrey crying, white, black, hispanic, asian, indian, gay, straight & every other person in between dancing on peachtree street in Atlanta with their signs full of life and love, puts a feeling in my heart that I can't explain. Nothing else mattered at that point in time. I've never seen anything like it in my life time. To cry and share that moment in time with friends, family and random strangers was a release of stress, of oppression, of burdens, and a birth of a new era. I understand that everything isn't going to change overnight but to see the excitment in the faces of others inspires everyone to do better. To have the role models of Barack and Michelle Obama raising their children in the way they should go, presenting themselves with class, poise, and elegance will inspire men to be better fathers and women to be better wives. In a time where stereo types of minorities and especially of African Americans are extremely negative, this shows that the African American family unit can and is still strong!!! To hear my parents talk about life growing up in the segregated south, to know the tribulations my grandmother went through and the hate my great grandmother experienced as a mixed raced child, and to see this accomplishment as a woman that has been afforded many opportunities is amazing. So on that note I am ecstatic to continue to extend my support for President Obama!! Damn that sounds good. Let me say it one more time and add a little sexy to it... The 44th President of the USA President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle. God bless America!!!!
I am very happy and excited that Obama has won. This was an eye opener to me in regards to my life. I always knew Obama was a highly intelligent person fully capable of handling the task but at times I did not think he was going to make it. I even donated to his campaign. It came to a point when he was winning states during the primaries when I was shocked and skeptical. I thought people would bail out on him because the task was too tough. The reason why this means a lot to me is because I tend to not set goals in my life that I do not think I can reach or reach easily. No doubt in my young I have accomplished a lot but I think I could have done some things better. With Obama being elected now I think Hope; where if I want to accomplish something I stay focused and know that in time if take the right steps every day eventually I will get there. So what am I going to do now? I am going to set a new standard for my self because I have the ability to. There a lot of people out there that don’t like me but that’s natural some people don’t like to see other succeed. With my success and what I have accomplished I did it for me and to have a better future for my children. I never do anything big and throw it in the face of so called ‘haters’ as an AH HA. I did it because I can do it and you can do it to with hard work. Now for me and all African Americans I hope that bar and that standard is raised. I have raised mine because I know if I stay the course I can do it. Yes I can, Yes We Can.
P.S. Ray don’t rob the bank that I own.
P.S.S. I think they should put Obama on some money since all the state quarters have been release put Obama on the new 2009 quarter. << just some random sh!t I was thinking.
I guess I am the perpetual pessimist, but I have no real emotion or feeling of hope about Obama's victory, past the emotion I would feel if my favorite basketball or track team won their respective competition. GO TEAM OBAMA!!!!!! If anything, I feel sad for this country and I officially have given up on black people and blackness as a whole. I voted for Obama, not because he was an idealistic "change" in the way most people think. I voted for him because he was a better candidate in general, relative to who he was running against. BUt don't get it twisted, he [Obama] is line with misguided attempts of blacks, post-slavery, to define themselves inside this social contruction (loosely called and based on white supremacist ideological structure), only to continue to pay homage to a image success defined as "whiteness" [or blacks assimilation to whiteness and the tropes of success as defined by whiteness i.e. nuclear family, Christian values, 2.5 kids and a puppy]...I'm sorry that this may come off as negative, but I have a deep earning for change but NOT in this way. Obama no doubt is "change" if you actually believe in the way this society is structured, but if u don't you can't help but see Obama as the anti-Christ [even though I do not believe in western conceptions of God or religion], because, as he transcends the contructions of race, class, and ethinicity to become the symbol of hope and inspiration, he also is the sheppard to lead the downtrodden masses into our eventually extinction. He has now given the non-white or "other" the misconception that they are included into a system that is fundamentally flawed. This is an abbreviated explanation of how really feel...Again I’m sorry to come off any way that may be different, but I cannot be ashamed of the way I feel. Shelli I’m happy though, that you had agency to do anything in the midst of these trying times...
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