We should never hesitate to say that we know the truth, because we do, for the realization of the unity of God and man is the truth. – Ernest Holmes
When you realize that GOD IS and works in and through you, lies cease to be an option because standing on the wings of truth, you realize it is your doorway to happiness; truth is the key that unlocks confusion in your heart. Your heart will ache if you allow lies the pleasure of acting as righteous.
All of our experiences are based on the nature of our thoughts and how we play them out in our lives. If we think truth – on a deep level – then we should voice that truth which will produce goodness in our lives. The truth resonates at a high frequency in your spirit and body and cannot be denied.
Thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever – Psalm 119:160
I think the big problem is acting on the truth that we instinctively and unequivocally know. Yes, the word is true from the beginning but we have free will to mask the truth under a veil of lies. The catch is…you will never be free under that veil because you can’t see where you are and you definitely can’t see where you are heading if lies are your guide.
Nothing but goodness can come from the truth and there’s a sense of ease that comes with it - a sense of relief. In our youth we learned to lie to keep secrets of wrongdoing and to avoid punishment. That is hard to outgrow because even adults fear being punished and I think the biggest thing adults are scared of is being judged. People are going to view you from their own perspective no matter what so you may as well be viewed authentically. Only the truth will ensure you are surrounded by people of the same nature, thus eliminating the fear of punishment and judgment.
No more white lies; no more telling half but not all of the truth; no more concocting detailed lies in our mind so we can act them out later on the stage of illusion; no more fearing the truth will cripple us, when it fact, it will set us free.
Let’s start the NEW year with a NEW reason to be truthful; because without truth we stay in a vicious cycle of lies thus limiting our spiritual growth. Lies are to darkness what truth is to light. Stand in the light of truth and not in the darkness of your lies. Don’t lie to yourself because that’s where all thoughts begin and don’t perpetuate those lies by speaking them into existence.
When you realize that GOD IS and works in and through you, lies cease to be an option because standing on the wings of truth, you realize it is your doorway to happiness; truth is the key that unlocks confusion in your heart. Your heart will ache if you allow lies the pleasure of acting as righteous.
All of our experiences are based on the nature of our thoughts and how we play them out in our lives. If we think truth – on a deep level – then we should voice that truth which will produce goodness in our lives. The truth resonates at a high frequency in your spirit and body and cannot be denied.
Thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever – Psalm 119:160
I think the big problem is acting on the truth that we instinctively and unequivocally know. Yes, the word is true from the beginning but we have free will to mask the truth under a veil of lies. The catch is…you will never be free under that veil because you can’t see where you are and you definitely can’t see where you are heading if lies are your guide.
Nothing but goodness can come from the truth and there’s a sense of ease that comes with it - a sense of relief. In our youth we learned to lie to keep secrets of wrongdoing and to avoid punishment. That is hard to outgrow because even adults fear being punished and I think the biggest thing adults are scared of is being judged. People are going to view you from their own perspective no matter what so you may as well be viewed authentically. Only the truth will ensure you are surrounded by people of the same nature, thus eliminating the fear of punishment and judgment.
No more white lies; no more telling half but not all of the truth; no more concocting detailed lies in our mind so we can act them out later on the stage of illusion; no more fearing the truth will cripple us, when it fact, it will set us free.
Let’s start the NEW year with a NEW reason to be truthful; because without truth we stay in a vicious cycle of lies thus limiting our spiritual growth. Lies are to darkness what truth is to light. Stand in the light of truth and not in the darkness of your lies. Don’t lie to yourself because that’s where all thoughts begin and don’t perpetuate those lies by speaking them into existence.
I think this is a very interesting topic. TRUTH has a few definitions and not all of them are in the standard dictionary. What does truth mean to me? Can I or anyone else handle the truth? What is true? Is what we do who we are how we live considered true or is it just what we do?
What would the world be like if everyone told the truth? I read in this book that everything we do is built upon lies and that the lie has to keep going because if people found out the truth the mountain of lies will crumble and or foundation of our existence will crumble ect ect something to that effect. May be that is to over the top so let me bring it down a little bit.
Truths like true to your self or true to your latest boo?
I feel that we are all true to our selves. We may sell our self-short when not setting our goals high enough or not achieving our goals. I will use the example of our great leader President elect Barack Hussain Obama. He was true to him self because he believed when im sure no one else believed he could. Now he has the highest position in all the land. I feel that in 2009 we should all see that we are only threat and we are the only factor that can keep is from achieving. I know I can do what ever it is I desire to do. No one can stop me except for me. I can make an excuse about society or the ’man’ ect, but those are all excuses. In an arrogant way I too can have what I want and possible have what you want because nothing can stop me except for me saying I no longer want it. This is how all of us should start to think. This wills keeps is true to our selves and give a new ray of hope to those that have felt as if there were boundaries. There is nothing better then the sense of freedom and the ability to understand that there are opportunities. The truth is you are the only person that can stop you. The truth is most people do not want you to know that.
On a more uninteresting note, I think we are all single. Well your single unless you are legally married I don’t care if u been wit ur boo for 10 years your single! With that being said what is being true in a relationship? I have no clue may be we will let the ladies of Elle blue no Im sorry the Wonderful Women of Elle Bleu bring that up at the next event. I will be taking notes at the next one.
Enjoy 2009 my friends
You should be 1 year improved from 2008. Never stop grinding, be richer then everyone because you have a bank full of pride!
Will, you are definetly TRUE to yourself:)
The truth is something you can feel. Have you ever had someone "tell you something about yourself" that might have "offended" you, only to feel that tingle of approval from within sayin, " yeah, you! The shoe fits..." Thats the truth. The truth is not meaning to condemn, its purpose is for growth and understanding of ones self. What we do with it is up to the individual. My moms always says "the truth just is..." I find it hard to explain but its something you know when you feel it. No on can change it. its immutable. Define yourself not from your conditioning,but from you own experiences and self resolution. Truth be told, (haha) we are only using, according to popular belief, 10% of our mind, so certainly,none of us are walking in full truth, as our mental usage is extremely cramped. Truth will be a life long excercise of choice, free will, and at the end of the day, simplicity. Define your own truth, but I know who I am...right now, at least, and I'm stompin, walkin' in my big black boots called True!(their badd ass, aren't they??) Move out my way, those who choose to be defined by the 10% of your mind!!!
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