Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A good a** whoopin for kids is not as common nowadays as it was when I was growing up. The threat of having the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) disrupt your home has left a lot of parents choosing the “time-out” method instead of a good old fashion spankin’.

I’ve only had a handful of spankin's and my sister used to say it was because my mom was too old to care by the time I was born. So naturally, I remember my “love taps” clear as day and still can’t believe I got them. It’s like I’m still standing there saying, “Am I getting spanked right now? This is crazy!”

We're all family so let's share our favorite whoopin’s of all time! After all, the things that make you cry - will eventually make you laugh.

My first favorite whoopin' happened when I was seven years old. My step father was driving me to the school bus stop and I ALWAYS had a smart mouth and he was down right tired of it. I don’t remember exactly what he said to me but I told him, “You not my daddy!” He pulled his little blue pickup truck over so fast and beat my tail! Yes, an open hand, grown man beating! Needless to say, he was definitely daddy after that. I was angry at him for a long time, but looking back, I either deserved the spanking or I deserved the lesson it taught me; Mitch is now the father figure in my life.

My absolute favorite whoopin’ of all time was given to me by my Ganny (R.I.P). I was playing outside of her house with my cousin T’ana and she got mad and threw my ball across the street. Back in the day you needed permission to cross the street so you can say I was a tad bit upset. T’ana realized I was angry and took off running. I chased after her and when I caught her I pushed her and she went flying in the air, bounced, then landed on the concrete driveway. Her leg was bleeding and she was screaming bloody murder.

When my Ganny found out what I had done, she broke out her favorite weapon of choice; a thick piece of plastic that came with one of her Tupperware sets. I was twelve at the time and had decided I was never getting another whoopin’! We did about 5 laps around her large dining room table until finally…she was out of breath. To my dismay, she still had her mother wits and called in reinforcement. She screamed for my Aunt and they trapped me. The speed chase was over; I was caught. She beat me real good. You know the kind that leaves welts of your legs? I got a lick per word: I-THOUGHT-I-TOLD-YOU-NOT-TO-RUN-‘ROUND-MY-TABLE-AND-IF-YOU-KEEP-CRYING-I’M-GONE-REALLY-GIVE-YOU-SOME-THING-TO-CRY-A-BOUT.

To this day, I still think T’ana deserved that spankin’ for throwing my ball across the street. LOL

It’s funny to me now, that’s why I can write about it. Hopefully you have found the humor in some of your old school whoopin’s. Let me know the one’s that are your favorite or most memorable.


Unknown said...

Hey Shelli! You're right..."the things that make us cry eventually make us laugh."

Funny, I can't remember exactly what I did, but I know it was something that I did at school in the 6th grade. It also was something that I did after having recently gotten in trouble quite a lot. I was on a roll! ...and my dad didn't play...especially when it came to school.

Anyway...while riding home from a meeting in the principal's office my dad told me I was going to get a whipping every day FOR A WEEK! Whoa!!! He had never told me that before! Yep...I got a whipping that afternoon. But the hard part were the following days...when I'd be outside playing and see my dad come home from work. Can you say F-E-A-R!!! He would greet me as if nothing had happened...he'd go inside and greet my mom and my sisters (I guess, 'cause I was still outside playing). Then all of a sudden I heard his voice calling me, "Bert! It's time to come on inside and get your whipping!" AUGH!!! OMG that was a tough walk. Made me a better man though...and a better dad today.

My wife and I really have a good laugh on that one. Thanks for the memory Shelli! NOT!!!

Shelli Tinae said...

Bert, that must have been the longest week of our life? What I don't get is if you were on punishment, what were you doing playing outside? lol

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

That week haunts me to this day! LOL!!! My dad also taught me focus, priority and how to "compartmentalize" my feelings. I was outside playing because those whippings WERE the punishment...nothing else...the rest of my day was (supposed to be) normal. LOL!!!

*lastar* said...

Sorry Sis!!! I have no "spanking stories" to share...moms nor pops ever laid a finger on me and my sisters (even if we needed it).

Now that I am a parent, I am definitely not opposed to spankings. My son has a had a couple back in the day. He's in high school now so that tactic doesn't exactly work!

For me it's always been about communication first. Okay you're not listening to my words...well let me see if I can capture your full attention using another method!

Ultimately, to each is own! You as an individual decide what's best for raising and disciplining your children.