This Tuesday I am thankful for fresh drinking water. We take for granted how valuable water is to our very existence. The human body is comprised of 70-75% water! We could not survive without fresh water to drink. Sadly, there are places in the world that don't have drinking water at their disposable.
Water is also scarce during natural disasters such as the earthquake in Haiti and the Tsunami in Japan so when you take a sip next time say THANK YOU. Lately I have been saying THANK YOU on each gulp of water I intake. It puts everything in perspective when you give gratitude for the most valuable fragments of life.
Some of you may know about Dr. Masaru Emo who wrote the book, "The Hidden Messages in Water." He shows vivid pictures of what water looks like on a microscopic level when we send positive energy to it. If you go to you will see how beautiful a water crystal becomes after simply telling it, THANK YOU. I know I preach this a lot, but we are ALL ONE with all that exists.
Since your body is mostly water, now you can see how simply looking in the mirror and saying THANK YOU can also transform your body from within. You are a water being! Honor yourself with words of love and gratitude.
I love "the hidden messages in water." Our thoughts and our consciousness have an effect not just on ourselves but on everyone. The more and more that we learn about science, the more and more we are finding that we all truly are one; connected to each other infinitely more than we are separate! I'm grateful for your post! Please check out my blog! Nothing But Love (NBL)
Hello Justice,
I am in return grateful that you read and enjoyed my blog. We are so connected to THE ALL so we must begin to give thanks for everything around us.
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