The other day I was cleaning out one of the drawers in my kitchen and I found a pad with four pages of notes from a Phil Valentine lecture I attended at Clark University in 2004. As I peered through the notes I began reading them aloud and remembering the validity of the information. Pretty much every detail that I jotted down so intensely is still relevant today. What stood out the most to me were the universal laws. I have been studying them recently and didn't even remember that I first learned about them seven years ago. I instantly pinpointed my greatest demise is not retaining and utilizing the knowledge I've acquired.
I feel like blaming the school system for teaching me to store information in my short term memory just long enough to ace an exam. The education system should not be broken down into sub-jects. When you can't find the connection to the entire story of life then you quickly forget the fragments. There is a connection - they just didn't teach it to us! The funny thing is I actually used to brag about how college taught me to be a great note taker and a master in memorization. I'm still an excellent bullet-point note taker but many of the snap shot memories of history, math, and social studies lessons have vanished.
Okay, okay, so I know I can’t blame my shot gun education. We are born with all of the knowledge of the cosmos engraved in our DNA so I know I must take responsibility for going in and out of sleep, so to speak. I have learned some amazing things that can help me vibrate and ascend to new plateaus but then the rent is due and by the time I rob Peter to pay Paul, I'm quickly thrown off my axis and back into the matrix way of living (or not living). So the big question is, how can I retain the knowledge I've acquired and exercise the truth so I can continue to receive divine information? Well I think there are a few ways to do this:
1. Watch the company you keep - communicate with people on the same journey so you can hold each other accountable for accessing and using your knowledge.
2. Re-read - you always see new things the 2nd or even 3rd time around that will help deepen the connection, so read those books again you found so profound.
3. Practice makes perfect - that's not a cliché because the more you work at something it's obvious the better at it you will become. Once you've perfected it, you will never forget it.
There is a greater responsibility on those of us who know better because we should do better. Hording information and not setting examples for those to model is doing a disservice to every being on the planet. After all, knowledge is power. If you don't retain the knowledge you've acquired then knowledge becomes dead weight.
Shelli Tinae
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