From my soul:
The killing in Connecticut are by the evil forces who don’t want Gaia (Mother Earth) to ascend into the 5th dimension when the end of the cycle we are living in takes place next week on December 21st. It is so very sad that those children lost their lives because they were so innocent. We are in a spiritual warfare and wherever there is a spiritual war – there is symbolism so we must decode the message…
This young man killed his mother and several children. This is the dark forces telling you that they will destroy the planet (Mother Earth) and every living thing on it (all of her children) – before they allow any of us to ascend.
I am here to tell you that they will not succeed.
They want this tragedy to make us melancholy, fearful and angry but we have the power to rise above the chaos.
There are only two emotions; fear and love!
I am not telling you to dismiss what happened – but I am saying the best remedy and the one that will give us the most peace is LOVE.
If you’re feeling sad….send love and express gratitude for all your blessings
If you’re feeling angry…say loving prayers for a peaceful heart
If you’re feeling confused…meditate so you can feel the presence of the Divine Creator
Eternal Blessings,
Shelli Tinae
Thought travels faster then light. We are all one - on different missions, nonetheless, but reaching for the same star in the sky that connects us to the source.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Do what you love to do even if it isn't presently making you any money. You have to actively be a participant in your desires so you can keep attracting that positive feeling you get when you're in that zone. Today I was listening to Kevin Trudeau's audio program called "Your Wish is Your Command," and it really stood out to me when he said something to effect of, if ever you stop enjoying what you're doing - then u know that is time to move on. Often times we have been doing something for so long that we don't even realize it no longer elicits a positive feeling because the new person we've evolved into is ready to dive off the cliff into an ocean of new adventures.
You must go within and discover what will truly make you happy. Going within yourself will take some soul searching but don't be afraid of that journey because that's where your divine purpose is waiting to be identified.
So the first thing we need to do is look at what we do on a day-to-day basis and actually write out the experiences we love and look to change the day-to-day experiences that we do not love. I think what many people are missing in their lives is the active pursuit of happiness. Don't wake up one day and say "I wish I had of..." when you have the opportunity now to stand in front of your fears - which is the only thing hindering your growth and preventing you from making those wishes part of your memoirs.
Your legacy can not be about the paper chase! Let's not teach our children to chase paper - but instead we should teach them to creatively pursue their heart felt aspirations. My challenge for you: do at least one thing every day that you absolutely love. When you find time to do what you love - the universe will respond to you by giving you even more of that which you desire. Eventually, you entire day will be filled with activities you love!
Love what you do - or the things that you could do without...will be all that you do.
You must go within and discover what will truly make you happy. Going within yourself will take some soul searching but don't be afraid of that journey because that's where your divine purpose is waiting to be identified.
So the first thing we need to do is look at what we do on a day-to-day basis and actually write out the experiences we love and look to change the day-to-day experiences that we do not love. I think what many people are missing in their lives is the active pursuit of happiness. Don't wake up one day and say "I wish I had of..." when you have the opportunity now to stand in front of your fears - which is the only thing hindering your growth and preventing you from making those wishes part of your memoirs.
Your legacy can not be about the paper chase! Let's not teach our children to chase paper - but instead we should teach them to creatively pursue their heart felt aspirations. My challenge for you: do at least one thing every day that you absolutely love. When you find time to do what you love - the universe will respond to you by giving you even more of that which you desire. Eventually, you entire day will be filled with activities you love!
Love what you do - or the things that you could do without...will be all that you do.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
To wish is to request upon the universe your grandest desires. What is it that you truly wish to manifest in your life? I was listening to one of my favorite songs by Bilal called "Sometimes," and I got chills when he said, "I wish so clearly sometimes...I wish with no fear". When I think about my fondest desires, they are perfectly scripted in color and HD. The wish is the map; the wish is landing strip; the wish is the holly grail that everyone is searching to find. All that we have dreamed of, we have seen in our minds because we have wished for it to exist.
Ever since we were children we wished so clearly! Everything imaginary was real and so was the joy experienced. A mud pie taste just as good as Ganny's sweet potato pie. When your wishes are clear, the experiences are sweet. The desire is what sets the wheels into motion. As you wish upon a star, the universe recognizes your request because you are the creator, writer, and director of this epic film.
Why Some wishes don't come true
You have to hold onto the vibrational frequency you planted when you created the wish or it will disappear. As Bilal so eloquently stated, "I wish with no fear." Wishing without fear is the key to manifesting your desires. If we wish to have a brand new car but spend most of our time focusing on how we can't afford it, then your new car will not appear. You see, the universe is responds to your solutions OR your problems. Which ever you choose to highlight - is what you will experience.
It hit me like a ton of bricks as I was listening to this man's sultry voice and I realized I have plagued some of my wishes with fear. Wishing without fear is showing love for all of the things that you dream about. All of the things that we love we should only offer positive feelings towards. We can unconsciously sabotage our dreams by doubting they will manifest. Oh, the irony! And even more ironic is the song speaks to how we sometimes wish clearly or we sometimes without fear and I know those are the moments when we sometimes experience heaven.
Heaven is to experience your sincerest wishes!
Eternal blessings,
Shelli Tinae Price
Ever since we were children we wished so clearly! Everything imaginary was real and so was the joy experienced. A mud pie taste just as good as Ganny's sweet potato pie. When your wishes are clear, the experiences are sweet. The desire is what sets the wheels into motion. As you wish upon a star, the universe recognizes your request because you are the creator, writer, and director of this epic film.
Why Some wishes don't come true
You have to hold onto the vibrational frequency you planted when you created the wish or it will disappear. As Bilal so eloquently stated, "I wish with no fear." Wishing without fear is the key to manifesting your desires. If we wish to have a brand new car but spend most of our time focusing on how we can't afford it, then your new car will not appear. You see, the universe is responds to your solutions OR your problems. Which ever you choose to highlight - is what you will experience.
It hit me like a ton of bricks as I was listening to this man's sultry voice and I realized I have plagued some of my wishes with fear. Wishing without fear is showing love for all of the things that you dream about. All of the things that we love we should only offer positive feelings towards. We can unconsciously sabotage our dreams by doubting they will manifest. Oh, the irony! And even more ironic is the song speaks to how we sometimes wish clearly or we sometimes without fear and I know those are the moments when we sometimes experience heaven.
Heaven is to experience your sincerest wishes!
Eternal blessings,
Shelli Tinae Price
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I've laughed to keep from crying and it always made me feel better. In essence, laughing will do a complete makeover of your mind, body and soul by healing you from the effects of sadness. Yes, my friends, laughing is spiritual. The theory is simple: you can't possibly be sad for very long if you're laughing. Laughing is a remedy for anyone feeling in the dumps because it relieves pent up stress and tension.
I'm not speaking of laughing at someones misfortune - but I'm speaking of laughing from the joy you feel inside. We tend to take life too seriously but when we stop and realize how simple things were designed to be - you can't help but laugh at the irony.
THE MIND - When you choose laughter over anger, you will start to find solutions to your problems so they cease to exist. The universal law of mentalism comes into play here; the mind is all. Everything begins in our minds before it comes to fruition. Laughter can help create the joyful experiences we want to have. Let your mind be the gateway to laughter because you must desire it in your mind first.
THE BODY - The body responds to the messages you consciously or unconsciously send to your brain (or mind). Can you imagine the happy-dance going in every part of your body when you laugh? On the flip side, imagine the damage you are potentially doing when you are filled with rage, hate or sadness. The body responds to the messages you give it. If you're laughing and having a great time - the body receives these signals and you receive the nourishment from the positive effects of laughing.
THE SOUL - We've all heard the phrase, laughter is good for the soul - and it truly is. We are all spirits living a human experience and all-things positive is our connection to the Divine Source. If you want to have a better relationship with Source energy...LAUGH, SMILE, PLAY, LOVE. All of these positive attributes is what the Creator gets to experience through us.
Be light of heart and laughter will surely follow.
Eternal Blessings,
Shelli Tinae
I'm not speaking of laughing at someones misfortune - but I'm speaking of laughing from the joy you feel inside. We tend to take life too seriously but when we stop and realize how simple things were designed to be - you can't help but laugh at the irony.
THE MIND - When you choose laughter over anger, you will start to find solutions to your problems so they cease to exist. The universal law of mentalism comes into play here; the mind is all. Everything begins in our minds before it comes to fruition. Laughter can help create the joyful experiences we want to have. Let your mind be the gateway to laughter because you must desire it in your mind first.
THE BODY - The body responds to the messages you consciously or unconsciously send to your brain (or mind). Can you imagine the happy-dance going in every part of your body when you laugh? On the flip side, imagine the damage you are potentially doing when you are filled with rage, hate or sadness. The body responds to the messages you give it. If you're laughing and having a great time - the body receives these signals and you receive the nourishment from the positive effects of laughing.
THE SOUL - We've all heard the phrase, laughter is good for the soul - and it truly is. We are all spirits living a human experience and all-things positive is our connection to the Divine Source. If you want to have a better relationship with Source energy...LAUGH, SMILE, PLAY, LOVE. All of these positive attributes is what the Creator gets to experience through us.
Be light of heart and laughter will surely follow.
Eternal Blessings,
Shelli Tinae
Monday, September 19, 2011

It has become almost cliché to say, "Happiness is inside of you," but do we really know what that inside-happiness feels like? It can be a great challenge to look inside for happiness because we seek tangible evidence that it truly exists. Believing in our inner happiness is like believing there is a heaven; we hear good things about it but many have never experienced it first hand. We tend to associate happiness mainly with people, but also it's the vast experiences that we revert back to in our minds that claim the happiness throne. Many of us truly feel from our hearts that happiness comes from inside of us but it’s still hard to ascertain how to access the blissfulness within that we so often hear about.
So how do we make "Happiness is inside of you" more than a cliché?
We must start with gratitude. Be ever so grateful for all that you have and all that you're growing to be. If you stay centered in gratitude - then it will be difficult for sadness to overcome you.
To put it simply, GRATITUDE = HAPPINESS. Do you see it now? Happiness, in some way, shape or form, has always been something we've had the ability to access just by focusing on the things to appreciate in life.
You have to start somewhere so let's start with the basics. Gratitude does not require the assistance from an outside source. Everyone on this planet has many things to be grateful for. If you're having trouble thinking of something, just stop and give thanks for your breath. None of us have ever gone one second without breathing. Count your blessings so you can continue to attract even more things to be grateful for in your life.
Food is also a great example of something many of us have never gone a day without. Be thankful for your food but don't lightly say, "I'm thankful for this food because I was hungry." That is a very surface way of giving gratitude. It would be better to say something like, "I am thankful for this food as it is providing nourishment, strength and health so I can fulfill the life plan The Source has in store for me." Give some substance and depths to your feelings of gratitude so you can tap into the happiness that the Divine Creator accessed when it created that food for you to eat and enjoy. The ultimate key to happiness is seeing how intricately we’re connected we’re a part of Source energy.
Also, it’s important to Count your blessings so you can continue to attract even more things to be grateful for in your life. Like a magnet, we are continuously attracting things – the good and the bad, so maximize the feelings of inner happiness by shining light on all the things you’re grateful for.
I am grateful for you!
Friday, August 26, 2011

I watch drivers get on the freeway and decelerate instead of speeding up to get on. They end up on the side appearing frustrated as cars zoom by them in light speed. There is a life lesson in this modern scenario: when you are bracing yourself to get into the lane of your passion, you must accelerate in order to make space for you in this busy world. The space is there - but only you can discover it.
When you're trying to get on the freeway, the cars seem like they are going so fast - but the moment you put the pedal to the metal, you find out they really aren't going too fast after all; you realize that's the speed that you feel good at driving, too. In your life, speed up by studying and mastering your passion, then when you get over into the lane of competition - you will be able to exceed all expectations.
The people in the cars who hesitate to get over, fear it's not the right time - but if they removed the fear - the natural response would be to merge into the coming lane. The point is, fear is the only obstacle. When we focus on reaching our destination, we'll be amongst the crowd of drivers whizzing by in light speed. There is no progress on the sideline; strive for the fast lane because that is the lane of confidence, endurance and freedom.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Over the weekend I attended the 21st Century Woman's Conference and the Keys to Thrive in the 21st Century Conference, presented by Dr. Jewel Pookrum. For those of you unfamiliar with her, she is a surgeon who specializes in brain activity and functioning and makes outstanding connections with the brain and spirituality.
During her lecture she asked the audience to ponder on this question: "Does my behavior reflect what I think God is?"
Wow! This was a very mind stimulating question because although I know I am PERFECT, sometimes I feel that I express less than my perfection would allow. My behavior, which includes my actions towards myself, others and the earth – doesn’t always show how divine of a being I truly am. Sometimes the negative distractions of doubt, fear, anger or sadness are precursors to negative behavior.
Often, we don't even know we're in that negative field until after the behavior has been played out. The way to be a positive reflection of God is to always stay present in the moment and feel from within our connection to God. This awareness will allow us to extend behavior that is compassionate, loving and nonjudgmental. This is also an extension of our character which we have the ability to upgrade. This is not about being phony, but it is about doing the mental work to be reflections of our divine creator.
What do I think God (The One) is?
I think God is the infinite creator of the universe and all energy and life forms in the universe. We are created in the image (imagination/mind) of God so therefore we are extensions and living expressions of God.
The Law of Mentalism
This also means that we have no limitations - except for the one's we create in our negatively programmed minds. You can live out your mental limitations or you can live out the advantages you have for just being a creation of God. As you live and breathe in the mind of God - you also have access to all the wisdom produced in its divine mind. The law of mentalism states, "The all is mind; the universe is mental." If we exercise the power of our minds, a reflective behavior of God will surely follow.
Now this isn't to say that we will all end up having the same behaviors because, after all, we are individual fragments of the creator so our journey to experience The One Creator are rightfully individual and unique. Allow your inner light to shine and BE the reflection of God that you know exists. Allowing our behavior to be a reflection of God is not far-fetched if we let the mental work prelude our actions.
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