It has become almost cliché to say, "Happiness is inside of you," but do we really know what that inside-happiness feels like? It can be a great challenge to look inside for happiness because we seek tangible evidence that it truly exists. Believing in our inner happiness is like believing there is a heaven; we hear good things about it but many have never experienced it first hand. We tend to associate happiness mainly with people, but also it's the vast experiences that we revert back to in our minds that claim the happiness throne. Many of us truly feel from our hearts that happiness comes from inside of us but it’s still hard to ascertain how to access the blissfulness within that we so often hear about.
So how do we make "Happiness is inside of you" more than a cliché?
We must start with gratitude. Be ever so grateful for all that you have and all that you're growing to be. If you stay centered in gratitude - then it will be difficult for sadness to overcome you.
To put it simply, GRATITUDE = HAPPINESS. Do you see it now? Happiness, in some way, shape or form, has always been something we've had the ability to access just by focusing on the things to appreciate in life.
You have to start somewhere so let's start with the basics. Gratitude does not require the assistance from an outside source. Everyone on this planet has many things to be grateful for. If you're having trouble thinking of something, just stop and give thanks for your breath. None of us have ever gone one second without breathing. Count your blessings so you can continue to attract even more things to be grateful for in your life.
Food is also a great example of something many of us have never gone a day without. Be thankful for your food but don't lightly say, "I'm thankful for this food because I was hungry." That is a very surface way of giving gratitude. It would be better to say something like, "I am thankful for this food as it is providing nourishment, strength and health so I can fulfill the life plan The Source has in store for me." Give some substance and depths to your feelings of gratitude so you can tap into the happiness that the Divine Creator accessed when it created that food for you to eat and enjoy. The ultimate key to happiness is seeing how intricately we’re connected we’re a part of Source energy.
Also, it’s important to Count your blessings so you can continue to attract even more things to be grateful for in your life. Like a magnet, we are continuously attracting things – the good and the bad, so maximize the feelings of inner happiness by shining light on all the things you’re grateful for.
I am grateful for you!
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