I watch drivers get on the freeway and decelerate instead of speeding up to get on. They end up on the side appearing frustrated as cars zoom by them in light speed. There is a life lesson in this modern scenario: when you are bracing yourself to get into the lane of your passion, you must accelerate in order to make space for you in this busy world. The space is there - but only you can discover it.
When you're trying to get on the freeway, the cars seem like they are going so fast - but the moment you put the pedal to the metal, you find out they really aren't going too fast after all; you realize that's the speed that you feel good at driving, too. In your life, speed up by studying and mastering your passion, then when you get over into the lane of competition - you will be able to exceed all expectations.
The people in the cars who hesitate to get over, fear it's not the right time - but if they removed the fear - the natural response would be to merge into the coming lane. The point is, fear is the only obstacle. When we focus on reaching our destination, we'll be amongst the crowd of drivers whizzing by in light speed. There is no progress on the sideline; strive for the fast lane because that is the lane of confidence, endurance and freedom.
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