Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I just want to have a candid conversation about circumcision.

I know I’m not a guy and the only thing severed from me at birth was the umbilical cord, but I may give birth to a son one day so the thought has crossed my mind: will I get my new born circumcised? It is becoming less common for parents to have this procedure done but it’s so taboo that people don’t share this information, probably in fear of ridicule.

I believe circumcision was more for population control more than a religious right. Men already like to have sex like jack rabbits, so imagine ALL men running around with the nerve endings on their penis in tack. LAWD HAVE MERCY! LOL On the flip side, ladies, how would you feel if your clitorises was partially severed at birth? I am not one to believe the hype just because it was handed down from generation to generation. Are we here to think intuitively or regurgitate pseudo information? Anyway, once it’s done, it’s done and there’s no, uh, growing it back.

When I was a sophomore in college I read an article in the Men’s Health Magazine and it was the account of several men who decided to get circumcised as adults and all of them were very disappointed after the surgery. Their main complaint was in regards to sex; it just didn’t feel the same. The foreskin of the penis has a lot of nerves that intensifies the feeling during sex – but really that is the natural feeling and the circumcised feeling is unnatural right? The American Academy of Pediatrics have taken a stance…well sort of, they now neither discourage nor recommend the procedure. My bet is they don’t discourage it because it’s profitable and they don’t recommend it because they can’t validate its benefits.

The article ‘Should all Males be Circumcised?’ on states, “The founder of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC -- get it?) first witnessed the procedure in 1979 while training for her nurse's degree. The unlucky baby, she later wrote, was ‘strapped spread-eagle to a plastic board... struggling against his restraints -- tugging, whimpering, and then crying helplessly" while awaiting the knife. Then as the doctor, using no anesthesia, began cutting into the penis with a scalpel, "the baby began to gasp and choke, breathless from his shrill continuous screams...’

Even though the pain is evident, I can hear some women saying, “I hear an uncircumcised penis is unhealthy or it looks funny.” First of all, if a man is not hygienic, it has nothing to do with the foreskin of his penis, he’s just nasty. Secondly, if it’s funny looking before the snip, it probably will be after.

I’m definitely not telling people what to do but I would like to open up some dialogue. Let’s have a modern conversation on an ancient procedure.

I would love to hear from men who are circumcised and from those that are not. It’s definitely nothing to be ashamed of, afterall, God made us perfect. And ladies, let me know your take on uncircumcised penises. Do you have a preference? Do you have circumcised children? Any regrets or concerns?
Here are some links and information I found:

Did you circumcise your baby boy?
yes (10,712)
no (15,875)
Total Votes: 26,587
(survey on

‘Circumcision!’ -
‘Care of an intact Penis’
‘Doctors Opposing Circumcision’ -
Journal of the American Medical Association, ‘Circumcision in the United States’ -
Men’s Health, ‘Should All Males be Circumcised?’ -

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I went to a gun range and I was so scared I was almost shaking. There was a rainfall of gun shells hitting me on my head from the guy at my right and the guy at my left. I put on my gun range armor; ear and eye protectors, a mean mug, and then I got in my stance. All the while I was thinking, “What the hell am I doing here?” Side note: ladies this can make a hot date. It’s not so bad to have a handsome man lightly grip your waist as he shows you the proper shooting techniques.

So the instructions from my friend were simple: point, aim and shoot for the target. I was already warned that I would either love or hate shooting and I would know immediately after the first shot.


The sound of the gun echoed throughout my entire body. The lead sprays so fast that the gun gives a “kick back,” so you really have to hold the gun steady. I fired a round and I was feeling really proud of myself. We pulled up the target to see how I did…nothing. I hit everything but the target. No, I’m serious. I actually hit the clip that the target was attached to. I could see that being an expert on these things would take a lot of practice but I immediately discovered…I LIKED IT.

Okay, so I was shooting a .357 revolver because the gun shop owner recommends them for women, as his wife and daughter have made that their gun of choice and they carry them in their purses (and guys thought we just carried lipstick and feminine products). He said they like the revolver because you basically just point and shoot. Ladies, if you’re ever in danger, the last thing you want to think about is loading a clip and cocking the gun. So I was sold on test driving the revolver for that reason and also because they don’t jam like a semi-automatic gun has the chance of doing. I was seriously thrown into gun 101 class but I was definitely enjoying the lessons.

My friends bought guns that day and I left there with information on the gun I wanted plus the laser grip I fell in love with. I had the application for gun registration, too. I was totally ready to make a purchase but something hit me: if I buy a gun, damn, there is a chance I might use it one day and let me tell you, that is a scary thought.

So, I was straddling the fence but I did make a decision, but first I would love to hear how the women feel about carrying a gun. Do you have one, ladies? Also, how do the fellas feel about their women being equipped to shoot a firearm?