Thursday, October 30, 2008


The Fall has settled in and I have pack away the sandals and flip flops. It's like saying see-you-later to a good friend for six months. LOL Being from California, I grew up with one season year around. Yes Cali can get cold, especially at night, but never in the 20's like it does here. I've been in Georgia over five years now and I still prefer one monotone season but in the last year I've grown to appreciate WHY the change of seasons is so important.

In the Fall I literally fall....WAY BACK. I believe God designed this time for us to reacquaint ourselves with the things that are important to us and most of all, to grow. This is a time of deep reflection for me. I still go out; I guess that's expected from a semi-social butterfly but my soul is in Fall mode so I honor that with more quiet time. I can actually feel the difference within me. Can you feel it? It’s like the end of a roller coaster ride; you heart stops pounding and the adrenaline subsides. The Summer was the sensual climax that stopped my breath; the Fall is the morning after and I can breath again.

In the Fall I am settled.

I have a different regimen during this time of the year and I’m more shut off from the world. I get home from work and head straight to my bedroom. In my sanctuary I read, write, meditate, pray and listen to music. There is purposely NO television in my bedroom so I don't get an urge to be entranced by the idiot box.

Do you have a Fall and/or Winter rituals? I want to hear all about it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Baby, take off your cool
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Baby, don't be so cool
I wanna see you, I wanna see you
Baby, take off your cool
I want to get to know you
Take off your cool

“Take off your cool” is a short song but it’s one of my favorites on the Love Below album. The message is short and precise: just be yourself.

Take off the uncertainty of your perfection…take off the fear of rejection…take off that fake smile if what he/she said really wasn’t that funny…take off the expectations to be more or less then who you are…We tend to fear how people will judge or view us but they are going to have an opinion regardless so you may as well be observed in your authenticity. Lauryn Hill summed up my sentiments on interlude # 5 (part 2) of her MTV Unplugged album:

“…It's like, we date people, like let's say, you know, we're interested in somebody and we put on the perfume and dress up and then we do things that we will never ever ever do again! You understand what I'm sayin?...And that's why so many marriages end up in divorce. It's because people wake up next to a stranger. They say, Who the hell are you? What are you doing in this bed?...And I'm sayin let's give them reality from the door because you're going to attract love, and the one that really loves you. And then you don't have to pretend and falsify, and you know, keep that posture..."

(sound bite on the video starts at 3:18)
I wrote this poem today. It’s short but sums up how I feel about being so cool your feelings just FLOW so LIFE, LOVE AND GOD move easily through every moment:

My cool is off and on the floor.
Don’t pick it up I want it to stay there
so you can see me bare.
See through me, past the cool on the floor,
to the fiery pulse that floods the blood.
That’s not me and it kept me from you.
Can you see me now?
No matter the miles, you should be able to see me now
My cool is off and on the floor.
It melted as I walked through Love’s door
and surrendered to what God has in store
-Shelli Tinae Price

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I will never forget Professor Widner. He was my Black history professor in college and he told our class something that I will NEVER forget:

If we all stopped paying our credit card bills we would end capitalism.

You see, our entire monetary system is based on credit and it would crumble if we didn't continue to feed the system. In essence, the system could not exist without our debts to financial institutions.

Are you tired of being in debt? Do you think most people want to be free of debt or would they rather be in debt then be free of it? And let's say we all got together and stopped paying our debts...then what?

By the way, very soon after that conversation in class, Professor Widner stopped teaching at my university. I've always wondered if his strong political views got him fired.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I deleted every text in my phone today. Some I had been holding onto since April! Looking back at them kept me in April, when it's clearly October.

Delete something today people! Whether it's an email, text, a thought, a mind set, a negative feeling, a habit, etc.

Clear up some space for new things to enter your life.

Delete Synonym's:
annul, cancel, edit, elide, eliminate, erase, excise, expunge, obliterate, omit, purge, remove

Hit me back and let me know what you purged; anything it don't have to be a lot - but get rid of something.