Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I deleted every text in my phone today. Some I had been holding onto since April! Looking back at them kept me in April, when it's clearly October.

Delete something today people! Whether it's an email, text, a thought, a mind set, a negative feeling, a habit, etc.

Clear up some space for new things to enter your life.

Delete Synonym's:
annul, cancel, edit, elide, eliminate, erase, excise, expunge, obliterate, omit, purge, remove

Hit me back and let me know what you purged; anything it don't have to be a lot - but get rid of something.


SahshaJay said...

I am a neat freak by nature, often times throwing away things i "need" just because i dont like to see things laying around without purpose or a proper place. and that i how i live my life. Physically, i'm great at it. But there exists a lingering thought that i must eliminate: MY JOB IS LAME! lol, i think that daily. Reality speaking, this job is just temporary and it could be worse. I still have freedoms while I'm here that most others don't in corporate america. So, I take this vow in front of Mi familia to ixnay the thought of how lame this job is and celebrate knowing that it will soon pass and greater things lie in wait for me! Besides, i sure can tell you what material is best for you countertops and which NEVER to put on shower floors!


Unknown said...

S Dot

I hit delete on stressing over this new position and said fuck it!!! I hit delete on old emails, phone numbers and people.

Anonymous said...

I hit delete on text messages! and ppl in my phone!, lol Just before I saw this email Shell good looking out. LOL. Gonna throw away some pic too!

Unknown said...

I am the kind of person that likes to keep things simple. I throw things away all the time. I hate hoarders' pack rats and junkies. I hate people that have freaking decorations and figurines all over the damn place. This first thing I think is why do you have all this sh*t all over the place. It's not even functional its just there. If I don’t use it in 6 months I don’t need it, give or take. I delete e mails text call logs ect on a regular basis.

Nothing special there but I will say this.

For some odd reason deleting someone from your phone empowers you. Ever call someone you called on a regular basis and they ask 'who is this'? The first thing you say is 'bitch did you delete my number?' Of course the answer is yes. Its kind of funny how today deleting someone from your phone or address book will make them disappear for ever.

William A

Anonymous said...

I delete my e-mails and text messages about 3 times a day.

I deleted some old numbers outta my phone today...old chicks (should of did that since I'm hitched)...HAHAHAHA.

Shelli..this is the last time I do what you tell me.

Marcia Malaka said...

Hmmmmm... I hit delete on keeping guys around that I clearly don't connect with old & new. I hit delete on old messages, unproductive thoughts, & negative energy. What a liberating experience! Great Blog Shell!!

Anonymous said...

Its funny you bring that up.. Because i got a new phone recently and some old texts I had saved were gone. Clearly a higher power had a message there.
I personnally deleted the email addresses of people who i dont talk to and who its better I dont talk to. I deleted my myspace page a few weeks ago b/c in my weakened psyche, i used it as an excuse to look at people's pages that werent good for me.
In my home and work life, I purge things all the time. It brings calm and order to my life and i do it especially when I am stressed, b/c purging is a cleansing, a reclaiming and i'm all about reclaiming whats mine.

Monique said...

I delete text, unless they have information I will need later.

I archive a lot of shit like emails once they are past 30 days,
relationships-no comment. I have been recycling the same one for over 4 years.

Family and friends, I am constantly archiving but I am not allowing new relationships to come in.

Although, I do like the idea of removing the bad so the new can come through. I just have some much shit archived I don't know where to begin. I am going to try and sort, then delete.

Thanks Shell - :)

Anonymous said...

I recently got a new phone, and made a conscious effort to carry over as minimal information as possible to this new device. I had over 700 contacts, hundreds of text messages and calendar entries. In my new phone I have 26 contacts, and delete all of my text messages daily.... simply to purge and clean house! it's been very refreshing, and scary too. I'm slowly adding the contacts on an as needed bases, and it's working for me right now. Hope all is well folks!

Unknown said...

Sounds like Shelli might want to invest in an external hard drive and step into the new millenium. LOL! Who does this willingly unless your sentimental and have hurt feeling from the people in your cell phone. Stop being a victim, damn! Shelli, a person loves music old and new, would never delete her music just because its outdated or not relevant in her life at this time. Stop burning bridges, you never know when may need that person. You clearly needed them at one point....BUt you have a great blog nevertheless, keep it going!