Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We all grown, right? Okay…cool…so let’s talk!

Do you think it’s more acceptable to have a one night stand as we get older?

My cousin is queen of going home at the end of the night with a warm blooded stranger.

She will come up to me and say, “Shelli, I’m going home with him, okay?”

At first I used say, “No, I really don’t think you should go,” but one night Sahsha looked at me and said, “She’s grown; let her go”. So from then on I never put up a fight. I figured I just have to trust her to make the right decision. People are going to do what they want to do anyway, ya know?

At 18, I think people cared more about what their peers thought about them – plus, an 18 year is still finding themselves and such a decision may not be in their best interest.

But let’s fast forward ten years…so now let's say we’re dealing with two consenting 28-year-old's and decide to make it happen that night. Should we judge grown folks for handling grown folks business?

By mid to late 20’s, I think people really have found who they are in life and have accepted most personality and character traits as, “that’s just me”. So even though we may be working on better handling certain situations, I feel like people only make minor changes by this age – unless struck by a tragedy. If they a freak at 28 - they'll probably be one at 48.

So tell me…are one night stands cool for the grown & the Young Jeezy inspired “Umma do me” adults? Do we stop judging people by a certain age and just accept the decisions they make (naughty, nasty ones and all)?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A good a** whoopin for kids is not as common nowadays as it was when I was growing up. The threat of having the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) disrupt your home has left a lot of parents choosing the “time-out” method instead of a good old fashion spankin’.

I’ve only had a handful of spankin's and my sister used to say it was because my mom was too old to care by the time I was born. So naturally, I remember my “love taps” clear as day and still can’t believe I got them. It’s like I’m still standing there saying, “Am I getting spanked right now? This is crazy!”

We're all family so let's share our favorite whoopin’s of all time! After all, the things that make you cry - will eventually make you laugh.

My first favorite whoopin' happened when I was seven years old. My step father was driving me to the school bus stop and I ALWAYS had a smart mouth and he was down right tired of it. I don’t remember exactly what he said to me but I told him, “You not my daddy!” He pulled his little blue pickup truck over so fast and beat my tail! Yes, an open hand, grown man beating! Needless to say, he was definitely daddy after that. I was angry at him for a long time, but looking back, I either deserved the spanking or I deserved the lesson it taught me; Mitch is now the father figure in my life.

My absolute favorite whoopin’ of all time was given to me by my Ganny (R.I.P). I was playing outside of her house with my cousin T’ana and she got mad and threw my ball across the street. Back in the day you needed permission to cross the street so you can say I was a tad bit upset. T’ana realized I was angry and took off running. I chased after her and when I caught her I pushed her and she went flying in the air, bounced, then landed on the concrete driveway. Her leg was bleeding and she was screaming bloody murder.

When my Ganny found out what I had done, she broke out her favorite weapon of choice; a thick piece of plastic that came with one of her Tupperware sets. I was twelve at the time and had decided I was never getting another whoopin’! We did about 5 laps around her large dining room table until finally…she was out of breath. To my dismay, she still had her mother wits and called in reinforcement. She screamed for my Aunt and they trapped me. The speed chase was over; I was caught. She beat me real good. You know the kind that leaves welts of your legs? I got a lick per word: I-THOUGHT-I-TOLD-YOU-NOT-TO-RUN-‘ROUND-MY-TABLE-AND-IF-YOU-KEEP-CRYING-I’M-GONE-REALLY-GIVE-YOU-SOME-THING-TO-CRY-A-BOUT.

To this day, I still think T’ana deserved that spankin’ for throwing my ball across the street. LOL

It’s funny to me now, that’s why I can write about it. Hopefully you have found the humor in some of your old school whoopin’s. Let me know the one’s that are your favorite or most memorable.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was sitting here thinking, "What are the sexiest pet names?" My first boyfriend called me "Pookie," and I thought that was the cutest thing since sliced bread, but I was fourteen so everything was cute. I think we can all agree that Pookie is not sexy but the person saying it, made it adorable. Isn't the importance of terms of endearments that they are delivered by your beloved mate?

One thing I hate: for a guy I just met to call me sweetie! My first thought is that he says that to every woman he meets. "SAY MY NAME, SAY MY NAME." That's the sexiest thing for a man I just met to do; subtly acknowledge at the end of the conversation that he remembered my name. Let's have a good argument first. Then you can pull out those terms of endearments like get out of jail free cards.

Okay so my favorite and sexiest pet name is simply...BABE. It's still reserved for that special someone, you can say it in public (unlike the stares you would get from saying something like Pookie), and babe is like the name you call your TEAMMATE. Don't slip up and call the side guy or chick, babe, because I guarantee they will look WAY too deep into it.

So I'm looking for the crowd favorites. What are the sexiest pet names? And what makes them sexy to you?