Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This Tuesday I am thankful for fresh drinking water. We take for granted how valuable water is to our very existence. The human body is comprised of 70-75% water! We could not survive without fresh water to drink. Sadly, there are places in the world that don't have drinking water at their disposable.

Water is also scarce during natural disasters such as the earthquake in Haiti and the Tsunami in Japan so when you take a sip next time say THANK YOU. Lately I have been saying THANK YOU on each gulp of water I intake. It puts everything in perspective when you give gratitude for the most valuable fragments of life.

Some of you may know about Dr. Masaru Emo who wrote the book, "The Hidden Messages in Water." He shows vivid pictures of what water looks like on a microscopic level when we send positive energy to it. If you go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 you will see how beautiful a water crystal becomes after simply telling it, THANK YOU. I know I preach this a lot, but we are ALL ONE with all that exists.

Since your body is mostly water, now you can see how simply looking in the mirror and saying THANK YOU can also transform your body from within. You are a water being! Honor yourself with words of love and gratitude.



Monday, April 25, 2011


When I think about a person's character I can't help but here Van Hunt's sultry voice in his song Character: "Who are you in the face of disappointment. Where is your character? The one who keeps you going?"

I think the greatest test of your character is how you handle adversity. When things are going great you really can't see the demons a person may be hiding. We've all been guilty of having some character flaws but as we get older, hopefully, those flaws start to reveal themselves so that we can grow to be better people. We are destined to be people who are building character as tall as the pyramids of Giza and not letting our character crumble like the Great Wall of China.

It's just like Van Hunt says, your character is the one who keeps you going. It's the foundation of your personality and it needs to be nurtured and cultivated - not retarded during times of misfortune. It may be true that you really don't know a person until they are going through a crisis but you must respect a person who uses that crisis as a catalyst for growth.

One of the many definitions of character is "qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity" This is a great definition because it pin-points some key qualities. Characteristics are your personality traits and these are the things that leave lasting impressions on others.

An honest person is trustworthy.

A courageous person is relentless in their pursuit of success.

A person with integrity is straight forward and lives by their principles.

If you are fully aware you have some character flaws, congratulations! Awareness is always the first step in solving a problem. You can begin correcting your character flaws once you have brought light to the situation. Be honest with yourself (no coincidence that honesty plays a huge part in building character) on the areas you need improvement.

We should all choose to build upon our character so we have greater life experiences



Friday, April 22, 2011


Today is Earth Day so we can't help but be reminded of how dynamic - yet fragile the earth is. We live in the womb of a woman who nurtures us with an abundance of food, water, land, and breathable air. We must do our part to continue to make this beautiful planet sustainable for generations to come. Here are some simple and effective ways you can do your part:

1. Buy organic - yes it costs a little more but show the government that we will not tolerate out food being chemically modified and robbed of their nutrients.

2. Recycle - you can just about recycle every good you purchase nowadays like shoes, yogurt cups, paper, appliances, furniture and more!

3. Plant something! - go out in your yard or community and plant a vegetable or a flower garden. You can even plant a tree! Beautify the landscape around you and oxygenate the air at the same time.

4. Support Green Businesses -As your priorities change and you decide to help sustain the earth, you will discover that you will be more than happy to spend your money with companies who share your vision. You can also go to http://www.organicconsumers.org/btc/BuyingGuide.cfm and do a search for green savvy businesses near you. You may want to do a background check to make sure they aren't using the green stamp as a gimmick.



Thursday, April 21, 2011


We've all been in magical relationships that we thought would never end and...POOF...the bunny rabbit isn't coming out of the hat anymore, no matter how many times you say abracadaba. Some how the fairytail romance comes to an abrupt stop and your standing at a fork in the road deciding which way to go - which way will lead to your overall happiness. As the relationship progressed you discovered that this person may not have been the man/woman you were destined to be with. So you start to think they were in your life just to occcupy the meantime and not a lifetime.

It's hard to make that big leap and abandon the courtship so here are some signs for you to examine and see whether or no it's time to call it quits:


I know there are plenty more so add to the list and tell me what are some reasons you would say adios!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is my first and may be the only poem that I post until they are all published in a forth coming book. I hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think.


You ask me if we're going
to be together, in love forever.
I say we're living forever.
first 2 minutes ago,
then now, then 2 minutes from now
a complete circle of existence
we are constantly in forever.
the past you treasure
and the future is yet to measure
but you know it exists...
so if I leave you, don't be sad
you see,
2 minutes ago we were together in forever
but now I don't feel balanced.
am I trippin'?
somethin' is missin'
but in the future I have to follow the words in heart,
through my soul and out my body,
past my lips, I say,
we made beautiful circles of forever together
that will live infinitly
but it's time for me to move on.
even as I sadly walk out this door,
I'm excited to find out if there's more.
I'm ready for love in the constant now.
forget the past,
fuck the future.
love in the now flies without wings,
teleports with simple thought,
lives and dies without fears.
creates an energy field on you and I can feel.
so don't ask me if I love you forever, instead,
ask if I love you now.

Shelli Tinae Price

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today I am thankful for my circle of friends.

We are a reflection of each other and I'm grateful for the opportunity to see myself in others. Like minds gravitate toward one another and I'm sure we're all apart of the same soul family and preordained this reunion. We can't get through this crazy thing called life all by our lonesome so having friends you can depend on is a true blessing. Each day I say to the Divine Creator, "Thank you for surrounding me with loving friends and a loving family." I'm happy to be of service to all of you and I'm grateful for all the wonderful things you have done for me.

Whether you have one friend or many, it's always good to have people who want nothing in return except your happiness. We are all here to enhance each other's lives so I'm making it a point to tell all my friends that I love them and I'm always here for them unconditionally. Let's not take our friendships for granted and extend love from our hearts to our grand circle of friends.

So dear friends, I love you!

Peace and blessings!


In search of a new adventure, I quit my job and made the conscious decision to move a thousand miles south to Atlanta, Georgia. I didn't have a plan. All I knew was that I needed a fresh start. It was probably one of the most fearless decisions I've ever made because the outcome was uncertain. I didn't have a job and all I had was my roll over 401 k and the last pay check from the stressful job I just vacated. None of that mattered to me. All I cared about was starting a new life and leaving behind the old me.

As expected, a lot of my family and friends were concerned about me making such a huge move and not having a master plan but I simply told them, "No decision is ever final and I can always come back home if it doesn't work out."

Put yourself out on a limb and follow your intuition. I didn't have a job but as soon as I got to Atlanta I worked very hard to apply for many job openings. Within three weeks I got a phone call from Art Evans, who was the manager of the temporary department at Turner Broadcasting. He called me in for an interview and told me that he receives about 400 resumes a day for people trying to get a foot in the door at Turner and my resume caught his eye. I was a temp for 5 months before I got on permanently.

I made a fearless move and I was faithful that it would pay off...and it did.

I've been in Atlanta now almost eight years and my decision still isn't final; not in my job - not with my home - not with my car, etc. You can always tell another story just by having the determination to do something different. The key to your decision being successful is based on how fearless you feel so remove all doubts. Only you can write your life story so never let anyone tell you that there are no do-over’s because it’s not about doing something over – it’s about doing things better. You wrote the script - so you can change the plot.


Monday, April 18, 2011


I stumbled upon driving in silence by accident. My car stereo had a short and one day it just decided not to turn on anymore. I was pretty bummed about it at first because I was always playing music to match or enhance my moods. The broken radio was in arms distance and the curiosity of what they were playing was killing me because I had been programmed that the radio and start of the ignition were uniquely intertwined. When I stopped having the ability to cut on the radio on my morning commute, I realized life is filled with many things to divert us from who we really are and thus the journey to reveal more of myself began.

Soon I began to enjoy the silence and the peace it offered me. Yes, of course there were times when I really wanted to listen to music - especially prior to a night on town but my morning commute is when I appreciate the silence the most. I discovered that the sound of the radio seemed to be a distraction. The music was distracting me from myself.

The vibrations from music - and even the voice of radio show personalities, can really have an emotional affect on how you feel. You see, we are all resonating to a certain frequency. We are radios - just like the one's we listen to in the car. So when you tune into the artificial frequency of the radio, chances are, you’re not tuned into your authentic frequency. In essence, you begin to take on frequencies that are not your own and they begin to distract you from what you are supposed to be doing to enhance your frequency field and raise your vibration.

Now I listen to the sound of my breath, the hum of the engine and the intonations of my voice. It used to be unnerving to cut off the radio but I stepped outside of my comfort zone even further and I began praying aloud in the car. Talk about strange! I was so worried that the people in the cars next to me would notice that I was talking and not singing that they would look at me crazy. This was a sure sign that I was not comfortable in my own skin so I over came the challenge and I made these prayers a daily ritual. Soon the prayers turned into daily affirmations because I am a creator and feel more comfortable asserting my desires.

So whether you drive in silence for part of your commute or the entire commute, use that time to become more in tune with your authentic self so your day unfolds the way it's truly supposed to. I'm a strong advocate now for turning off the radio in the mornings; after all, the way you begin your day can greatly determine how the entire day plays out.

Be one with yourself.


Friday, April 15, 2011


It's been 15 days since I started my journey to 30 days of positivity. I must admit, I've hit a few hurdles and bumps on the road to all-things positive. Whenever you are growing, a test of your mastery will always come along. Let's just say I've been tested on numerous occasions and I haven't always been successful the past 30 days in maintaining my inner peace.

The negative emotions of doubt, fear and anger make a cameo appearance sometimes but not for an extended period of time because I'm aware of their presence. There are the signs along the road I see on this beautiful scenic trip: "Awareness dead ahead." It's amazing how quickly you can subdue negativity with a positive thought. I may not feel it right away but shortly after coaching myself, I feel peace taking over.

So if you're having trouble keeping a positive outlook on your day-to-day circumstances, bring awareness to those thoughts and reverse the effects it has on your emotions by offering your psyche a positive reward. Yes, positive thoughts are rewarding because they are a part of your authentic self; the part of you that is striving to grow from your current state of being.

I'll see you in the big city. Drive safely!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


He hurt her...I saw the tears; I witnessed the drop in weight; I drove to the rescue to move her belongings; I watched the kids abruptly pack up their rooms to move to the unknown. Now they have made amends and she says to me, "You should try to forgive him, too." It's been six months since the nasty ordeal and all these months she's been working to heal and part of the healing process was to forgive him for his infidelity and stealing. Those of us so intensely involved only focused on the well being of her and the children. We were so concerned with her happiness that we forgot to forgive him. The thought didn't even dawn on me until she mentioned it today. She was expressing her feeling to me and said, "I don’t think I would have received the development that God has made/is making in me, if it had come from someone else." I believe we start to forgive people when we stop blaming them for how we feel. No one can make you feel a certain way. You're in the drivers seat even though sometimes it feels out of your control. To forgive doesn't mean you forget but the experience changes you. How do you forgive with the painful memory still intact? First we must find the lesson in the experience and understand that no mistakes are ever made. There is always a divine plan in place. I believe this, I truly do, but it's hard to watch someone you love go through such pain. My golden moment will appear on the day I can truly say that all is well - that all is forgiven. He didn't hurt me, he hurt someone I love and she understands the purpose of it all. That is the most important aspect and the one thing that will help me forgive him. How do you begin to forgive those that you feel have hurt you?


Your dreams are alive! I'm not referring to the dreams downloaded to your consciousness while you sleep, (they are alive, too, but I'll save that for another blog) I'm referring to the dreams you have all day long that take you off into wonder-wonder land. All successful people are big time dreamers. You can't bring an idea into fruition if you haven't dreamed about it. We mistakenly think of dreams as vague and cloudy but your dreams are equivalent to your desires; your desires are equal to your passions; your passions are equal to your purpose. Children have the wildest imaginations, that is, until adults come along and tell them to wake up but the funny thing about that is most of feel dead all day long at our jobs so who really needs to wake up? Encourage your children to foster their imaginations so they can use that creative outlet to tap into their dreams and follow their heart. If you demand they follow the status quo, chances are they are forming robotic behaviors and not living out their dreams. Doubt can taint your dreams but you must transmute those doubts into beliefs because they cause a negative interference with your divine purpose. I'm dreaming of cartwheels, kisses, white sand beaches, published best selling books, Hollywood signs, passionate sex, yoga in the park, life outside of the matrix, peace for all beings on earth, more time to be mommy... So what are you dreaming about?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This thankful Tuesday is all about fresh-from-the-farm fruits and vegetable!

Walking into the farmers market I feel like a kid in a candy store. Sure the candy is shaped like oranges and avocados and eerily tastes like them too, but the mouth watering sensation is reminiscent of salt water taffy or candied apples.

Immediately I come face to face with fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and I couldn't help but notice the sage, mint, rosemary and basil just to right of me. The colors in the market are so vivid, striking and tantalizing. You can not deny the beauty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Even the items that don't necessary sit on your palate well - you still must compliment their raw attributes.

More often we need to give thanks for what it must have taken to get the food in the stores for us to purchase. I'm so very thankful that people take the time to harvest fruits and vegetables because I need them for my health; I need them to survive. There is a lot of radiation spewing into the air from Japan that attacks the cells in our bodies. Radation has already been discovered in the rainwaters on US soil. Fruits and vegetables can help protect us from this harmful radiation. Now isn't that something to be thankful for? In the mist of caos, we are always taken care of. Believe it, feel it and know it to be true.

Eat them raw when you can because the enzymes are deminished when you cook them but even if you lightly sautee them - the rewards will be great!


Monday, April 11, 2011


Today was all about spring cleaning.

The energy in the house just seems to flow better when it's cleared of unnecessary clutter. I'm not even half way done as I plan to revamp every single room in the house but just doing 2 rooms eased a load on my entire being. A disorganized house is an indication of a disorganized life. Your house, to me, is the microcosm of a person’s life. You can tell if a person is depressed or happy just from looking at their home and if nothing more, you can tell if they are overwhelmed or if they just haven’t figured out how to manage their time.

I know u might say, "Those people are just lazy," but I would say their flow of energy is stuck and needs to be released. A person can only be lazy when they are not using their life force to its full potential.

A lazy person isn't dumb. They know the house isn't tidy. Their energy is stuck so their life is stagnant. Use spring, the time for renewal, to get your chi flowing again and honor your home and your life.

A good way to get your chi flowing is to exercise. You will breathe fire into your energy centers and that will stimulate your brain to get everything in order – including your environment.

Friday, April 8, 2011


One of the most inspirational shows I’ve ever seen on television was “Oprah Presents Master Class”. When I sat down to watch it, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t know the impact it would have on me. The Oprah Winfrey Show has been on air since I was eight years old so I grew up with her and didn’t realize there was so much more to her than I had previously witnessed. This was not Oprah the television host, this was a woman speaking from the purity of her heart and soul and it really moved me. Oprah the host is a channel for the world to speak through her.
Part two was just as phenomenal as part one and the unifying theme for both seemed to be that we all have the ability to tap into source energy and become anything we passionately dream to be.
Oprah was forced to sleep outside by her mother’s employer as a child because she was dark skin; she was raped by her cousin at the tender age of 9; she was pregnant at age 14. This was more than a story about a little girl from Mississippi who went from rags to riches. This was a story about a little girl who used the law of rhythm to turn her disconsolate life into one that was filled with a flow of light and love. Oprah is a great example of someone who lives with the flow – and not against it.
She expressed many life themes in the two part series that I find spiritually stimulating but one of them that really touched me is that you have to BELIEVE. There is a force greater than us that guides us and does not forsake us but you have to believe in the power and believe you are the vessel to express positive energy.
As Oprah says, we are here to learn so then in turn we can be teachers. It’s a give and take; a constant exchange of energy and love.
If you watch nothing else on television this year – please watch “Oprah Presents Master Class,” and let’s have a discussion about all the “aha” moments that are woven into this timeless piece of work. Part 1 and 2 air tonight on OWN beginning at 9pm EST.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today I touched the earth. I kicked off my shoes and let my feet seep into the grass. It was such a long winter but as soon as I connected with the earth beneath my feet, I knew spring had made a grand entrance.

I let my face bask in the sunlight so I really felt engulfed by nature from my head to my toes. There was an exchange of energy taking place between the earth and I; we were giving to one another as there was nothing to take away. Everything is energy. Some gadgets take away the energy you have stored within like cell phones, microwaves, computers, etc. Most of us use these energy zappers on a regular basis so it's important to exchange a free flow of energy with the earth as often as you can to replenish the energy lost from artificial intelligence.

Being an L.A. native, I was used to being close to water but now that I'm in the South I truly miss living near a body of water. You have to get very creative here but there are lakes, mountains and beautiful parks I utilize as substitutes.

I'm not a doctor but my prescription for you today is to get outdoors! Take deep breaths of the invisible life force that surrounds you and fuels your body. Then respectfully extend your body into the earth (grass, sand, dirt, etc) and feel safely connected to all that lives.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4 Steps to Prioritize Your Life

Recently I took a class called, "Achieving Your Highest Priorities." When I signed up for the course I didn't know that I would learn not only how to prioritize my life but also how to identify and quantify those things that need to be prioritized. I figure I'll have a shot-gun wedding one day because that's how carefree my life has been. A small chapel with an Elvis impersonating priest, here I come! With so many responsibilities piling up - I had to make some sense of things, so with the help of this class I created a four step plan to prioritize my life.

Step 1: CREATE MANAGABLE TO-DO LISTS - Part of manageability is being realistic about the time needed to complete the tasks at hand. A manageable list means it's in your control. Don't create a list that you can't manage. You are the only person that can see to its success so realistically determine what you can accomplish for the day. The items that you couldn't get to, move them to tomorrow's list but try not to keep pushing an item. Don't push an item more than three times without completing it.

Step 2: HONOR YOURSELF - Make sure your list has at least one item on it that requires you to honor yourself. Whether it's taking a hot bubble bath or listening to your favorite music artist - make it a priority to do something special for you everyday! I mean, why the hell not! The person we take for granted the most is the one you have the deepest connection with...yourself! If I'm not mistaken, your physical and emotional health is your number one priority, right? After all, you can't be a beneficial addition to someone else’s life if you are toxically self destructing. You can share your highest light with others when you take the time to honor your soul.

Step 3: DO THE HARDEST ITEMS ON THE LIST FIRST - Those pesky bills and calls to the bill collectors always seems to make the list - and they are always the very last thing we want to do. If you get them out of the way the issues will be resolved quicker and you will feel good making a huge check X indicating its completion. Yeah, it's fun to eliminate items from your list - but it's especially gratifying to check-off an item you dreaded completing. Now it's done and that's one for the books!

Step 4: DO YOUR LIST THE NIGHT BEFORE - The start of your day is usually pretty hectic with cooking breakfast, rushing the kids off to school and getting to work. The best time to do your list is right before your head hits the pillow. Set aside 10 minutes or so to create an action list of things for you to do the next day. To me, the order doesn't matter but I would highlight the items that you don't necessarily feel like doing so you can tackle them first and foremost. The rest of the day will run smoothly after that. Throughout the day you may want to add to your list. I use the notepad application on my IPhone. It's great for jotting down important reminders.

Here's one of my recent lists:

  1. Call Ticket Master

  2. Pay Medical Bill

  3. Make Hair Appointment

  4. Honor yourself: step class

  5. Order party supplies

  6. Check PO Box Note* The highlighted item was my least favorite thing to do so I did it first. Is my list manageable? YES

Well it seems like I'm on the road to effectively prioritizing my life! What steps are you taking to achieve your highest priority?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There is an abundance of things in our lives to be thankful for so I've dubbed Tuesday's as the day to acknowledge our blessings. Welcome to Thankful Tuesday's!

Allow me to suggest getting a grateful journal so you can keep up with the things you are thankful for - whether you track them daily, weekly, or monthly doesn't really matter. I like to do a quick note in my grateful journal daily that simply states what I'm thankful for and the reason's why. By the way, this is a great way to start your day. What better way to wake up than to give thanks? I promise you will never run out of things to be grateful for and even the smallest things are huge on the grateful scale.

So without further a due, today I am grateful for...SKYPE! I just got an account recently and it's been such a joy to use. I'm able to talk with my parents who are thousands of miles away. There is nothing better than looking at my mother's beautiful face in real time. Video chat where have you been all my life! This is a great way to keep in touch with long distance loved ones so if you don't have a Skype account - get one today!

So tell me, what are thankful for today?

Monday, April 4, 2011


On the road to all these positive, I have discovered it's not as easy to change as it is to make the declaration. Negativity can come in many forms: sadness, anger, fear, and resentment - just to name a few. Combating these negative emotions takes a lot of practice a lot of retraining. We are accustom to reacting to things in a certain manner and we tend to react from an unconscious state so often we look back and say, "I should have handled that differently."

In order to gain control over our emotions we must become an observer of the man in the mirror. This means you must first be conscious. No more experiencing life eyes wide shut. Before you react to something, observe how you feel. You may notice a pattern of things that get you from zero to 60 in 2.5 seconds. Some of you may even have memories from your childhood that will help you see where these emotions may stem from. Only when you are the observer of your life will ever be able to move beyond your negative triggers.

As you practice being the observer of your life and you find that you still respond negatively quite often, don't beat yourself up about it. Give yourself a pat on the back for being aware of how you feel and where those feelings came from. Rome wasn't built in one day - and neither were your negative habits. They have been brewing for years and picking up steam! Keep practicing a positive life and you will discover the peace you've only dreamed about; that peace will be the foundation of your life. Think of the impact you will have on those around you.

Now that's positive!


Saturday, April 2, 2011


I've been out all day with blogging heavily on my mind. Not once did I think I would be racing the clock trying to get out a thought-felt blog by midnight. The count down has begun and the hours have turned into minutes. Can I do it? Yes, I'm positive I can. I said to myself, "just breathe!"

Instantly I drew upon the power of my breath to complete the task at hand. Learning to breathe correctly was one of the most significant lessons of my life. Most people don't breathe correctly and only take shallow intakes of oxygen - our invisible lifeforce.

It wasn't until I began practicing yoga did I grasp the strength of various breathing techniques. To put it simply, you will get more out of life if you know how to breathe. A few deep breaths will give your body the oxygen it needs for sustainability, whether you need an extra push in your workouts or energy just to think clearly.

Take long deep breaths throughout your day and watch how much you get out of life. Don't take the gift of breathing for granted.

Now that's positve!


Friday, April 1, 2011


Why 30 days of Positivity?
I’ve really been practicing lately to be in a constant state of awareness. We have thousands of thoughts per day but do you know where they come from? What are some reoccurring themes? Can you turn your thoughts off? These are some of the questions I’ve been asking myself as I observe the unrelenting stream of thoughts that enter my mind. I can’t say that I can answer all of these questions yet but what I do know is I have a tendency to focus on the negative thoughts and ironically, those are the ones that keep replaying in my head. I plan and attend my own pity party and I’m the only attendee. When negative thoughts arise, I’m making a pledge to myself to transmute those mind disturbers into something positive. I knew it was time for a change so when I was introduced to Esther Hicks Youtube video called, “30 Days to a New You, positive thinking for 30 days seemed like an obtainable goal. Esther talking about using those 30 days to get your desires in motion by intensely focusing on the things that you want and the things that genuinely feel good. One of the things that always feels good is writing so my love of writing and this challenge of thinking positively for 30 days will go hand-n-hand. Actually, I think the writing will help me stay focused on thinking of things from a positive perspective because that’s when I feel pure and uncensored. Where Does the Blog Challenge Fit in?


I discovered the 30 day blog challenge after someone posted it on one of the blog groups I’m in. If you’re interested in blogging on a more consistent basis, this may be the challenge you need to make writing a passionate habit. Log onto http://ultimateblogchallenge.com/ for more details. Come One, Come All I’m so excited about the writing challenge and my positive thinking endeavor that I would love for everyone to participate with me. Push yourself to the edge of possiblities because that’s where your dreams are trying to take you. Let’s help one another stay motivated so the challenges ahead will flow smoothly like the sounds of a symphony.