Wednesday, June 10, 2009


All of our true desires are spiritual and our bodies are just vehicles to accomplish them, therefore even sex is a spiritual excursion. Trust me, your spirit is not looking for sex but rather a connection so deep, so intense, that you and your mate can move a mountain when your energies collide.

Last night on our radio show, “Straight Talk with Ella Bleu,” our guest Erik Gordon said dating is all about SEX and that basically relationships begin and end with the mighty power of sex.

I think he’s partially right but sex for the sake of penetration is a means to cover-up some deep seeded issues. Sex becomes a distraction so you don’t have to deal with what you really want…which is ever lasting love. I think the problem is a lot of us don’t even feel true love exists and have just given up somewhere along the say. Men have it the worst because they are taught the abuse of sex is a macho birthright but our gift from God is LOVE – not sex. You’re spirit didn’t travel light years to be right here, right now just to bust a… well you know what I’m getting at.

Hey, have sex like jackrabbits all you want – I’m not judging but instead I’m saying be mindful of your distractions vs. your spiritual desires but keep in mind awareness means you have greater responsibility. I’ve been there, done that, I’m definitely not a saint but the key is being aware of where you’re at in your life and setting your sights on higher plateau’s for the future.

So tell me, what are your spiritual desires? AND if sex is a spiritual are you going to get there?

Check out our show from last night. Here's the link for the podcast:

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